Abstract Submission Page

Please follow the procedure indicated below to submit your abstract.
It is reccommended to use a browser soft newer than Netscape Navigator 4.0 or Internet Explorer 5.0 to assure correct submission.


 Information on Authors


Presenting Author

Fisrst Name Middle Initial Last/Surname



Postal/Zip Code


Telephone Number (including country code. e.g. +81-426-85-3742)

Fax Number (including country code. e.g. +81-426-85-3742)

E-mail Address

Preference for Presentation Style (Check below)


Type of PC to be brought for presentation (Those who choose Oral Presentation)
 Windows   Mac

Fisrst Name Middle Initial Last/Surname

Fisrst Name Middle Initial Last/Surname

Fisrst Name Middle Initial Last/Surname

Fisrst Name Middle Initial Last/Surname

Fisrst Name Middle Initial Last/Surname

Fisrst Name Middle Initial Last/Surname

Fisrst Name Middle Initial Last/Surname



Type your abstract in the boxes below.

Follow the instructions below for specific characters and effects.

Enclose the text between <I> and </I>
e.g. <I>K</I>m will be displayed as K.

Greek Letter
Put <G>before alphabetical letters.
If Greek letters are followed by numerals, insert a space before the numerals.
e.g. <G>a 1,3 will be displayed as D1,3

Enclose the text between <B> and </B>
e.g. <B>Sialobiology<B> will be displayed as Sialobiology.

Enclose the text between <SUP>and</SUP>
e.g. Na <SUP>+</SUP> will be displayed as Na+

Enclose the text between
e.g. H <SUB>2</SUB> O will be displayed as H2O


Title of Abstract (Maximum number of characters: 200)

Authors (Put * at the head of presenting author)



Abstract Body
Enter the body of your abstract. Maximum number of words: 350.
Do not include the title, authors, or institutions.
Place the first letter on the left end without a space.
The size of the box may vary depending on the browser you use.
Although no paragraph will be shown on the confirmation page when your abstract is composed of several paragraphs, these paragraphs will be correctly transferred. If you want to confirm on the confirmation page, please insert <br> at the end of paragraphs.

Special comments for the editor (if any).

Inserting a figure

Are you inserting a figure ? Yes


Click to proceed to the confirmation page to verify the data you have input.

[Confirm to Submit] Jump to confirmation page



If everything is OK, click the button below only once.

   Don't click twice!


If paragraphs are not fairly displayed in the confiramation page, return to Abstract Submission page, and check whether <br> is inserted before new paragraphs. (Nevertheless, if return key has been pushed, your data will be sent normally)

If Greek Letters are displayed as "?" in the confirmation page, input a space before numerals.

The button below delete all data you have input. Be careful when you use this button.